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Deltic House - May Update

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Deltic House Internal May 1

Executive Summary

The development to transform the building into the first @Home by Best Western Hotel continues at Deltic House with good progress made on the construction activity since the last report. At this stage our forecast is to complete works by March 2025 in readiness for a summer 2025 opening event.

Key Updates: Building Progress

  • Planning permission to confirm change of use to a hotel is expected to be formalised during June 2024.
  • All internal walls and partitioning, door lining and frames have been erected, stairwell removed and mezzanine floors, stud walling and ceilings created.
  • New structural openings have been made and the required steel or concrete supports inserted in accordance with the structural engineering requirements.
  • Front facade works specification is being drafted following site visit and pre-preparation. This will restore the facade to its former Grade II listed state.
  • Quotations are progressing for the remaining stages of construction works with efforts being made to speed up the build time on site and reduce costs.
  • Electrical, heating and hot water design is progressing with a final review taking place in conjunction with Best Western Hotels to ensure alignment with their standards. Our mechanical and electrical subcontractors will then be able to finalise their quotes.
  • We are working in partnership with Best Western and the Vine Group to select furniture, fixtures, colours and finishes for the hotel.This will conclude during July 2024 and we will then be able to get quotations from suppliers to fit out the hotel.
  • Quotations have now been received from the Electric, Water and Gas utility companies so we are progressing the placement of orders for all these services.

New Requirements

  • There is a new planning requirement to buy Nutrient Neutrality credits to offset the additional pollution into the waterworks infrastructure this hotel will generate. We have identified a source for these credits and will purchase them as soon as we have confirmation that the planning approval is to be granted.
  • A key recommendation of the fire strategy for the building is to install a fire sprinkler system across all floors.. Quotations for which are now being obtained.
  • Following recent changes to the UK building control system, approved inspectors and local authorities will now become building approvers. Restrictions have been placed on the types of work that can be undertaken. Essentially this means we have had to move this work from our current partners (Evolve) to the Middlesbrough Borough Council Building Control team. A site visit is being arranged and a handover is in progress. We do not expect this to have any impact on the project.

Best Western Hotel Marketing

  • Best Westerns media partner ‘Motus Productions’ were on site on Thursday 21st March to produce a video storyboard of the development.. This was a very positive day and Motus were pleased with the visuals and interviews. Watch this space for clips of their intended video production!

Next update is anticipated August 2024.

May Internal Photos

Deltic House May 2
Deltic House May 3
Deltic House May 4
Deltic House May 5
Deltic House May 6
Deltic House May 7
Deltic House May 8
Deltic House May 9

Best Western Media Partner: Modus Productions

Deltic House May Modus Productions
Deltic House May Modus Productions 2
Deltic House May Modus Productions 3
Deltic House May Modus Productions 4
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